Thursday 12 February 2015

Tenth Session

ICT 10th Session

On our Nine Session Pn Latifah ask us to present our topics with our partner ,then later she flip through some slideshow about our subtopics Computer Security, Computer Security, Personal Computer Security Checklist, Malicious Code.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Ninth Session

ICT 9th Session

On our  Nine Session Pn Latifah flip through some slideshow about our subtopics in of internet filtering , types of computer attack , needs for  cyberlaw and cyberlaw acts. Then later on, Puan Latifah ask us to choose a partner and she gave every group a title to present on Thursday.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Eight Session

Eight Session

ICT 8th Session

On our  Eight Session Pn Latifah flip through some slideshow about our subtopics in Ethics, Code of Ethics, IP Property, Privacy, Computer Crime and Cyber Law.We were given our duties by Pn.Latifah.She told us had to pick our partners to stayback with and do our duty in the computer lab from 1:30p.m till 4:30p.m. So I picked my partner Jerry Yim and we will be doing our duty on Thursday.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Seventh Session

ICT 7th Session

Seventh Session

On our  Seventh Session It was a public holiday due to indian festival Thaipusam, we thought we had no assignment to do but all of a sudden my phone started to buzz and I checked my notification and it was a Facebook notification from Pn Latifah,I thought she wanted to wish us happy holiday but is the other way round.She instructed us to upload a video about subtopics in we can choose one video only either Computer Ethics, Code of Ethics, IP Property, Privacy, Computer Crime or Cyber Law.